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Download and Unpacking

The PEMer package can be dowloaded from PEMer_Package.tgz. To unpack the package, use the following command lines. The software can be obtained freely by non-commercial users (for permissions, see also:

gunzip PEMer_package.tgz
tar -xvf PEMer_package.tar


Prerequisites and Installation

PEMer workflow:

  1. Install Python 2 or higher
  2. Install Perl 5.8 or higher
  3. Install Megablast software

Free megablast software is included in the blast package which can be obtained from

  1. Install Smith-Waterman best local alignment software

Free Smith-Waterman software is included in the EMBOSS package which can be obtained from


SV simulation:

  1. Install ROOT package

Free ROOT package can be obtained from

  1. Compile SV-simulation programs

Type the following:

cd PEMer_Package/SV_simulation/sv_sim

If the compilation fails the most likely reason is that you need to change compiler flags. Please type in the following to get the compiler flags specific to your platform.

root-config --cflags

Please insert the output to the line defining ROOTFLAGS variable in the file ‘Makefile’. Type in 'make clean' and then ‘make’.



  1. Install Python 2.3.5
  2. Install MySQLdb Python Package

Free MySQLdb Python Package can be obtained from

  1. Install MySQL Database 4.0 or higher

Free MySQL Database can be obtained from

  1. Install Apache Web server or equivalent

Free Apache HTTP server can be obtained from