Archive of Saved Favorite Tweets from 9 Nov. '15 to 6 Aug. '16 [twitter0mg]
- Sports genes again: http://www.fastcompany.com/3062037/body-os/how-much-of-olympic-performance-is-due-to-great-dna … My ACTN3 variant= “likely sprinter.” Commence laughter now. http://www.snpedia.com/index.php/Rs1815739 …
- Can you tell which CD player has a CD spinning in it? #space #gyroscopicMotion pic.twitter.com/qj1WYnCFcy
- More @statnews Game of Genomes with #SWOGOnc's @markgerstein https://twitter.com/statnews/status/757647964357754880 …
- .@nature's editorial on Pokémon :) Keep an eye out for new species, Pokémon can transform taxonomy http://www.nature.com/news/gotta-name-them-all-how-pokemon-can-transform-taxonomy-1.20275 …
- @markgerstein @carlzimmer @statnews we're gonna be hard pressed to find a molecular mechanism there ... #hypothesisfree #bigdata
- My alma mater @Yale's @markgerstein in supporting cast of @carlzimmer's #GameofGenomes exploring #DNA https://twitter.com/Yale/status/753611425600331777 …
- Yale's @markgerstein among supporting cast in @carlzimmer's #GameofGenomes http://bit.ly/29FNTak via @statnews
- @markgerstein @carlzimmer @statnews closed humans isn't a club, any more than 'didn't have-pizza' is a club.
- Learn how Yale's @markgerstein is helping @statnews @carlzimmer decipher his personal genome in #GameofGenomes https://twitter.com/carlzimmer/status/752465267154939904 …
- #SWOGOnc's @markgerstein from @YaleCancer helps sequence Carl Zimmer's genome in @statnews series!!!!! https://www.statnews.com/feature/game-of-genomes/season-one/ … via @statnews
- Thanks @aayushraman It was a team effort by @markgerstein lab and @carlzimmer was very kind to give us this opportunity.
- In an act of science guinea pigging, @carlzimmer bares his "Zimmerome" http://bit.ly/29Nrbd2 pic.twitter.com/H39SwQq30j
- Watch as @carlzimmer is genetically dissected like a frog http://bit.ly/29JoITS #GameofGenomes pic.twitter.com/ZsOdaNcTB8
- @matthewherper @carlzimmer @statnews Most interesting tidbit was that Gerstein said he would not have had courage to do this himself!
- About the series: Watching my genome flow into Gerstein's computer made me a little giddy. ... Scientists hav... http://bit.ly/29BDpHg
- In other news, the pope is still catholic... Measuring Up: #ImpactFactors Do Not Reflect Article Citation Rates http://blogs.plos.org/plos/2016/07/impact-factors-do-not-reflect-citation-rates/ …
- Congratulations Juno! You made it in a win for computation. Here's some Jupiter info from Nautilus to celebrate http://m.nautil.us/issue/22/slow/jupiter-is-a-garden-of-storms …
- Our #iCAVE paper is out-- we welcome feedback! http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/06/29/061374 … @IcahnInstitute @markgerstein @ekta_khurana @wbialek @mbeisen
- Even as a @1000genomes advocate, this is not cool: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/variation/news/NCBI_retiring_HapMap/ … #saveHapMap
- Overseen at #icml2016 pic.twitter.com/8MWooMkcsm
- Awesome analysis of LP relaxation tightness in structured prediction by Ofer Meshi #icml2016 pic.twitter.com/0M589YVHvE
- Classifying videos with rank-pooling to capture dynamics in sequences : could we use it for music audio ? http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v48/fernando16.pdf … #icml2016
- Group conv layers, equivalence principle @GPUComputing #deeplearning #icml2016 #opensource GrouPy dropin replacement pic.twitter.com/KMYVwOmEOk
- Very cool #icml2016 workshop! Picking the "right" tasks/data is as important choosing the "right" models, I think. https://twitter.com/nycmedialab/status/744905723872673793 …
- Best paper award at #icml2016 : dueling network architectures for deep reinforcement learning by @DeepMindAI https://goo.gl/UFX3VF
- My slides #icml2016: online learning + random subsampling for fast matrix factorization. Thanks to the audience ! http://amensch.fr/docs/presentations/icml_presentation.pdf …
- Code for Persistent RNNs by @BaiduResearch is released at #icml2016: https://github.com/baidu-research/persistent-rnn … pic.twitter.com/4locVEVO5D
- Almost 90% increase in #icml2016 attendance. Being a first timer I am one of the contributors to that number 😉 pic.twitter.com/6XCMgm5GGo
- Watch cities spread across the planet over 5000 years http://huff.to/24Xq4KQ pic.twitter.com/zqGmUxY7Cy
- http://econ.st/1YvQIuk "unit of scientific currency is more the figure than the paper" @atulbutte @markgerstein @ozgunharmanci #gotofb
- @cjieming @markgerstein Apple’s ‘Differential Privacy’ Is About Collecting Your Data—But Not Your Data | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/06/apples-differential-privacy-collecting-data/ …
- In case you missed last week’s #GBM seminar, here’s @markgerstein’s talk on personal #genomics. http://bit.ly/1X9qv5d @GradSchoolSinai
- The Evolutionary Origins of Hierarchy http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1004829 …
- View @markgerstein talk on "Personal #Genomics" @icahn Institute #GBM Seminar on Mon., 6/6, here: http://bit.ly/1X9qv5d @GradSchoolSinai
- To identify rare variants, the challenge is numbers - need to analyze millions of people. @markgerstein #GBMseminar
- “One of the key ways we grapple w/huge amount of data is prioritization. One way to do this is to focus on the rare variants.” @markgerstein
- PersonalGenomics:Managing Exponential DataScaling through Prioritizng High-Impact Variants @markgerstein #GBMSeminar pic.twitter.com/51niMcmw2s
- In the future, everyone will have their #genome #sequenced, particularly if they are sick. @markgerstein #GBMseminar pic.twitter.com/5WB13l0Hvf
- “The big thing happening today is the big amount of private data being collected –>new challenge in terms of access & privacy" @markgerstein
- Excited to welcome @Yale's @markgerstein to #GBMseminar for a discussion on Personal #Genomics! pic.twitter.com/8GEFrpfpWR
- Prepping for highly anticipated talk from @markgerstein for GBM series @IcahnInstitute @IcahnMountSinai Davis in Hess @ 1pm
- @markgerstein Great photo!
- Join us on Monday from 1-3pm for our #GBMseminar to hear @markgerstein discuss Personal #Genomics. RSVP for free at http://events.mountsinaihealth.org/event/GBM_seminar_markgerstein …
- HA Orr in the NY Review of Books, on DNA, theory, and experiment in biology. I wish I had written this. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2016/06/09/dna-power-beautiful-experiment/ … via @nybooks
- Google's new app lets users conduct scientific research on their phones http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/22/11735532/google-science-journal-app-research-android?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=article&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter … via @verge
- Just like in the #wizardofoz second the #Medal went on I got all sorts of smart. #ThanksObama. pic.twitter.com/tTSdG7ioUU
- Watch @facebook's stunning 360-degree short film of Grand Central Station: http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/17/11673724/facebook-gear-vr-grand-central-station-360-degree-video … #gearVR #virtualreality
- Only the Personal Genome Project attack in Table attempted re-identification for everyone who had data in question. https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/730215312801583105 …
- In which the New Yorker labels me an "affable, nerdy twenty-nine-year-old with a scruffy beard" http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/05/16/the-rise-of-the-co-living-startup …
- Kuwait to require DNA testing of all tourists http://flip.it/0Fp.C
- Localized structural frustration for evaluating the impact of sequence variants http://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/05/08/052027 … from @markgerstein lab
- But the methods issues in their purported "proof of concept" attack shed little light on true Re-ID feasibility. https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/728406501191254016 …
- woot! Richard P. Lifton named 11th president of Rockefeller @gerald_goh @Yale @markgerstein http://buff.ly/1O0zgeW pic.twitter.com/Rqyy1YVEWX
- @AMathelier @markgerstein 0.3 is arbitrary-but chosen to balance between chipseq dataset removal and not overcalling asb snvs too much
- Human chromatin network from ENCODE ChIP-seq - was a great talk at UCSF! @ozgunharmanci @markgerstein @msirota84 http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0925-0 …
- @AMathelier @markgerstein ASE! Sry misread! Not here. Explored some in previous papers eg Alleleseq. Agree-will be nice to see coordination.
- @cjieming @markgerstein The section doesn't look at ASE. Would be good to know if strong binding disruption links to strong ASE or not.
- @AMathelier @markgerstein thx for the interest! Yes we did - it's in paper, section "AS variants in TF-binding motifs affect TF occupancy"!
- @markgerstein Did you look at correlation between motif disruption strength and ASE strength? 1/2
- @markgerstein Really nice work! Using betabinomial is very accurate. But why 0.3 as thr for chipseq? Other tested? 1/2
- http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2016/04/29/why-we-dont-produce-more-scientists-a-one-word-explanation/#.VyVvOpJ12SA.twitter … “America may say that it values science, but it sure as hell doesn’t want to pay for it.”
- very clean visualizer with tutorials for long reads and such @markgerstein @ozgunharmanci #genomics https://twitter.com/AlistairNWard/status/709432330096611328 …
- this is such a good summary @markgerstein @ozgunharmanci #genomics #gotofb https://twitter.com/CIgenomics/status/609108411305893888 …
- There's some commonality in our PoVs: 1 http://www.fiercebigdata.com/story/public-policy-privacy-anonymity-and-big-data-requires-combined-technical-an/2014-09-08 … 2 http://www.fiercebigdata.com/story/does-de-identification-work-or-not/2014-06-23 … 3 http://blogs.harvard.edu/billofhealth/2013/05/29/public-policy-considerations-for-recent-re-identification-demonstration-attacks-on-genomic-data-sets-part-1-re-identification-symposium/ … https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/726068167596978185 …
- @markgerstein These might be some of the hacks you were thinking of? None against data that was #HIPAA de-identified pic.twitter.com/Cx2ykhZNtJ
- Constraints of "curse of dimensionality" for de-identification are a given no one disputes. http://www.vldb2005.org/program/paper/fri/p901-aggarwal.pdf … https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/726431688730009601 …
- De-identification can always produce data w/ low Re-ID risks. <=But may come at expense of reducing dimensionality. https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/726431688730009601 …
- Ready to discuss. Can you list the hack examples? Expect you'll find no statistical disclosure control was used. https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/726431688730009601 …
- Allele-specific transcription factor binding in liver and cervix cells unveils many likely drivers of GWAS signals. http://dlvr.it/LBYzj0
- @reactome love the expression atlas integration, but fyi you're sporting a couple left-handed helices #biopetpeeves pic.twitter.com/QpBkbufyTO
- Peacock cupcake wedding cake exists to make you jealous http://on.mash.to/1N6Cr4w pic.twitter.com/ErwZrjj16t
- Like dark chocolate better than milk? Blame it on your gut microbes. My story in @sciam http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/findings-from-the-gut-new-insights-into-the-human-microbiome/ …
- A survey of allele-specific expression in @1000genomes - @markgerstein &co @NatureComms http://bit.ly/1VPCp4h #genomics
- @markgerstein somehow I imagine LMMs or GAMs might take a bit too long ;-). Nice catch, thanks for pointing it out!
- This Map Shows How Much Money School Districts Spend on Each Student http://buff.ly/1r90gyG via @lifehacker pic.twitter.com/OzC3sKjPG3
- Great to see the @1000genomes data continues to be useful https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/723346862871289858 …
- Awesome! Glad to see more variation data on this coming out! https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/723346862871289858 …
- (Another!) lab paper out: Uniform ASE+ASB Survey over @1000genomes http://www.Nature.com/ncomms/2016/160418/ncomms11101/full/ncomms11101.html … http://AlleleDB.gersteinlab.org w. >300 personal genomes
- Temporal Dynamics of Collaborative Networks in Large Scientific Consortia: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168952516000305 … @markgerstein et al.
- A uniform survey of allele-specific binding and expression over 1000-Genomes-Project individuals: Nature Commu... http://bit.ly/1VmgIZ1
- A uniform survey of allele-specific binding and expression over 1000-Genomes-Project individuals.: A uniform s... http://1.usa.gov/1re8kOO
- A uniform survey of allele-specific binding and expression over 1000-Genomes-Project individuals. http://dlvr.it/L5WQLK
- A uniform survey of allele-specific binding and expression over 1000-Genomes-Project individuals. http://dlvr.it/L5WKRS
- Don’t forget parents when celebrating a personal genome http://bit.ly/1Nx53P1 @NatureNews
- Amazing new resource @NatureComms of annotated allele-specific binding & expression in 382 human individuals http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160418/ncomms11101/full/ncomms11101.html …
- Researchers annotate elements w/ different activity in mother's & father's personal genomes http://bit.ly/1Nx53P1 @markgerstein lab
- Research note: Don’t forget parents when celebrating a personal genome http://ift.tt/1WASgCw
- @markgerstein @Structure_CP Thanks! Trying the server with my structures now!
- @markgerstein A brill read! I read this paper last week and really enjoyed it! Great that it separates interior/exterior critical residues.
- Nice computational tool to identify #allosteric residues to understand disease causing variants. @Structure_CP https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/721361157546639360 …
- A Visionary Project Aims for Alpha Centauri, a Star 4.37 Light-Years Away http://nyti.ms/1qmayLd
- Check out @katycns article in @ISSUESinST on data-driven science policy: http://modsti.cns.iu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Data-Driven-Science-Policy.pdf … #ModSTI https://twitter.com/katycns/status/718498326983774208 …
- A major agenda setting conference on Modeling in #Science, Tech and Innovation at @theNASciences |#ModSTI @katycns http://modsti.cns.iu.edu
- Fantastic! Lots of great #exRNA in these slides https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/717389426263990272 …
- Eli Lilly's Good Cholesterol Drug Went Bad. Here's What That Means For Pharma https://lnkd.in/bcF99Tu
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … #genomebiology
- Great to have Science on Front page of NYT, even if it is April fools day @amy_harmon @pollyp1 http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/31/us/mapping-a-genetic-strategy-to-fight-the-zika-virus.html …
- Can anyone tell me what this image is? April fools? DNA acting like RNA? Great sharing story @pollyp1 pic.twitter.com/UZRBAKn4j2
- Real cost of #sequencing : scaling #computation to keep pace with data generation by @markgerstein http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- @Piwdb @markgerstein always good to read Mark's paper, the general tendency being to shoot data w/o thinking of what to do with it..
- The real cost of sequencing as argued by @markgerstein http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- @markgerstein @ENCODE_NIH Nice figure. Who are the poor souls on the circumference of the wheel?
- @markgerstein @ENCODE_NIH Awesome! Congratulations Prof. Your paper can easily baseline into #QIS Dynamic interpretations are hard, hence...
- A look at Google’s troubled attempt to transform medicine, by @cpiller http://www.statnews.com/2016/03/28/google-life-sciences-exodus/ …
- Google and Apple's new headquarters resemble hippie communes http://nyti.ms/1UpDYVm pic.twitter.com/GySf9DvkxX
- Google "dorking" Search Technique Helped N.Y. Dam Hacker http://www.wsj.com/articles/google-search-technique-aided-n-y-dam-hacker-in-iran-1459122543 …
- The US as it might appear with all the proposed states. #dataviz @USouthFlorida would be in trouble w/ this divide! pic.twitter.com/k0u3swdtmm
- "The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation" http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … #technologie #feedly
- @markgerstein interesting that you mention - I just installed @Lightroom on my phone - cannot convince myself it's better than google :-(
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation | Genome Biology | Full Text - http://go.shr.lc/1RFkYSz
- Large-scale atlas of microarray data reveals the distinct expression landscape of different t... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27015116
- Large-scale atlas of microarray data reveals the distinct expression landscape of different tissues in Arabido... http://1.usa.gov/1pOmRQz
- Large-scale atlas of microarray data reveals the distinct expression landscape of different tissues in Arabidopsis. http://dlvr.it/KtmRTQ
- Indeed - I used to love Picasa https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/713523430608474116 …
- Watch this handy trick for chilling your white wine faster: http://slate.me/1UqQLY1 pic.twitter.com/mYuvL9H0Ti
- TCGAでかっっ! | The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … #genomebiology
- Fig 4. にUS51大学のゲノム配列解析に絡んだfaculty position数が出てますね。日本にも51大学くらいありますが、1/5以下じゃないだろうか(数えてません)。 http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- 計算機の速度と配列解析の歴史。//The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- A poor soul discovered Satan's face on a piece of steak http://on.mash.to/1URv9Cs pic.twitter.com/2FKogSgNE0
- @jgreid @markgerstein @GenomeBiology @dnanexus ICYMI, the new middle square in buzzword bingo = deep learning
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … via @rightrelevance thanks @pathogenomenick
- Especially appreciate this graf in intrstng @markgerstein @GenomeBiology article: https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0?utm_content=buffere211f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer … @dnanexus pic.twitter.com/sWCAyAJ8RJ
- Excellent article on computing keeping pace w NGS improvement @markgerstein @GenomeBiology http://buff.ly/1RCSSHu pic.twitter.com/1LZPVfRIL7
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … #genomebiology
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://buff.ly/1XQJ9fa
- @nils_gehlenborg @minouye271 @markgerstein @CellSystemsCP My cat’s hairballs look nothing like any large network. Much more mucus and such.
- Sorry @minouye271 @markgerstein @CellSystemsCP, but networks =/= hairballs. Poor network visualizations => hairballs.
- @markgerstein Yeah. Thanks God there is no Nobel for them (sorry Werner :-) How many of your former people are now in that category?
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation - Genome Biology http://nzzl.us/RR91dAV
- The REAL cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … #genomebiology
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation - Paul Muir http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- Top #tweeted story in #bioscience: The real cost of sequencing: scaling computa… http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/v/1341?s=tnp
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation 2 keep pace w/ data generation http://ht.ly/ZTB24 via @GenomeBiology #bioinformatics
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … #genomebiology
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://ow.ly/ZTuYi
- Interesting article on bioinformatics' data generation and scaling computation to keep pace http://goo.gl/9CQZGQ #genomebiology
- Top #tweeted story in #bioinformatics: The real cost of sequencing: scaling com… http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/v/1343?s=tnp
- Great paper about networks comparison, biological vs human networks @CellSystemsCP http://bit.ly/1RjbSJ5 pic.twitter.com/W8dLP1T1r1
- Where next for analysis+storage of sequencing data? From @markgerstein & @GenomeBiology http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … pic.twitter.com/55bwQlkAkw
- "The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation", by @markgerstein et al http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 …
- Where does all my money go? @markgerstein &co on the real cost of #sequencing http://bit.ly/21InDKC #genomics
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation... http://fb.me/4Kf9cq1Cr
- The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation http://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0 … #genomebiology
- Matchmaking b/n hairballs: Nice networks perspective from @markgerstein in @CellSystemsCP http://www.cell.com/cell-systems/fulltext/S2405-4712(16)30044-8 …
- Cross-Disciplinary Network Comparison: Matchmaking between Hairballs http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405471216300448 …
- AlgoRun, a Docker-based packaging system for platform-agnostic implemented algorithms http://gettopical.com/bioinformatics/853abace88d4e6c60bea9498f49f6c97?src=twitter … via @markgerstein
- World's coolest billboard concept! pic.twitter.com/uT30LFMgNM
- Drugmakers tackle hearing loss http://ow.ly/ZHJTP Plus: cool interactive on how hearing works @lisamjarvis pic.twitter.com/1uqn0P5SPK
- @markgerstein Yes, indeed. I could read it. Nobel shouldn't be tampered with, in my op. 1M is still a lot of money for us :-)
- Read how @WeillCornell+@nyphospital are using Precision Therapeutics to Redefine Cancer Care http://www.nyp.org/pdf/newsletters/newsletter_alumni_winter2016.pdf … pic.twitter.com/wrzKuKgUDi
- Happy Pi Day!! Good to revisit this wonderful article by @stevenstrogatz Why Pi Matters http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/pi-day-why-pi-matters … via @NewYorker
- Interesting early sex difference: of the 43 toddlers shot people this year, 40 were male and only 3 female https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/10/14/people-are-getting-shot-by-toddlers-on-a-weekly-basis-this-year/ …
- Interesting eg: Distorting real world Geo for network node embedding/connecting arcs can help us better understand https://twitter.com/edwardtufte/status/708660827788853249 …
- Cloud computing is the thing...how will medicine leverage it? https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/708269036187099136 …
- Going beyond geek chic — by @markgerstein et al. http://bit.ly/1nDvdZp
- Going beyond geek chic — CeBIT - San Francisco Chronicle http://bit.ly/1UjMJ1M
- Going beyond geek chic — CeBIT: Kaleidoscopic mirrors reflect slogans and fair visitors at the stand of German... http://bit.ly/1TyB5Bh
- Going beyond geek chic — CeBIT: ... last season's shoes to fashion week, failing to keep up with the latest de... http://bit.ly/1TyuuXA
- Going beyond geek chic — CeBIT - San Francisco Chronicle: Going beyond geek chic — CeBITSan Francisco Chronicl... http://bit.ly/1UjAhyY
- You should read @fmanjoo on the next big thing (Amazon Echo) & not just because it's exactly the piece I pitched http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/10/technology/the-echo-from-amazon-brims-with-groundbreaking-promise.html?_r=0 …
- FRESH in Pubmed: My "QTL Identify Functional Noncoding Variation in Cancer." @PLOSGenetics http://goo.gl/GcERY3 Incl.Funseq @markgerstein
- Check out our science section and learn about VarSim, A high fidelity simulation and validation framework for... http://fb.me/2A2N6u3Qr
- Learn about BreakSeq2: a fast and accurate junction-mapping approach for detecting structural variants http://bit.ly/1WSw2tc
- Attention Twitter: @richard_durbin has tweeted for the first time today. Welcome Richard!
- Here's what fruits and vegetables looked like before we domesticated them http://uk.businessinsider.com/fruits-vegetables-their-ancestors-science-evolution-history-2016-2 … via @
- Again, for emphasis…92% of ppl say they should have full access to their EHR. https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/PDF-8/Accenture-Patients-Want-A-Heavy-Dose-of-Digital-Infographic-v2.pdf … @EricTopol pic.twitter.com/VKrzErPwNp
- This video of ice stacking on Lake Superior is mesmerizing. http://wapo.st/21exV6F pic.twitter.com/A2ELccdHFi
- How much warmer was your city in 2015? http://nyti.ms/1SWbfXN #dataviz via @nytimes pic.twitter.com/BTfFsFNXkN
- Huge Github list of Public Data Sets: http://bit.ly/1K5GNVy #abdsc #BigData #OpenData #DataScience pic.twitter.com/viqR5octvz
- Would the intended audience see the sign…? https://twitter.com/bbcaaron/status/696107707296837632 …
- Quantifying private info leakage from #phenotype-#genotype data http://rdcu.be/gaWn @markgerstein @naturemethods pic.twitter.com/oTvQlhnKqo
- Quantification of private information leakage from phenotype-genotype data @markgerstein @naturemethods http://rdcu.be/f8tp
- Quantification of private information leakage from phenotype-genotype data: linking attacks by @markgerstein http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.3746.html …
- These are currently the top 4 most valuable companies in the world. http://cnb.cx/1VDA8EZ pic.twitter.com/HBXKNw1EUy
- 'Identifying individuals using phenotypes' ... a needed caution note by @markgerstein lab http://nature.com/nmeth/journal/ … @nature vía @anavinuela
- Quantification of private information leakage from pheno-genotype data: linking attacks. Harmanci & @markgerstein http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.3746.html …
- AOP: What’s the risk of being identified by independent data on phenotype & genotype? ($) http://bit.ly/1PMs6Fl
- As genomic information grows, so do privacy risks — as shown by work in @markgerstein lab http://bit.ly/1nIorm0
- And of course no #Moonshot to cure cancer without #Datasharing https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/693967422521479168 …
- The DNA in the poster is spiraling in the wrong direction. Ignorance of molecular biology is poor science. https://twitter.com/NatureNews/status/693520431417008129 …
- Vivid new NASA video let's you explore Ceres' craters up close http://on.mash.to/1QM46Hx pic.twitter.com/SEsVRLuuST
- These Photos of the #MilkyWay are Like None You’ve Ever Seen Before https://www.photographytalk.com/photography-articles/6206-these-photos-of-the-milky-way-are-like-none-you-ve-ever-seen-before … pic.twitter.com/DXPA5i2pPV
- Epic fine-mapping work on a schizophrenia GWAS hit identifies expression of C4A gene as a likely causal mechanism http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature16549.html …
- Got the 1st copy of "Genomics & Personalized Medicine" off the press, signed by Mike Snyder himself! #PMWC16 https://www.amazon.com/dp/0190234768/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_ai4PwbG5CKADJ …
- Why students develop an aversion to mathematics — and how teachers can help change their minds http://hvrd.me/XvMsN
- Hey #researchparasites like me... download & use ~150 #clinicaltrials #opendata sets at @ImmPortDB http://ImmPort.org cite as you go!
- I suppose our paper finding a companion dx was #researchparasitism http://buff.ly/1SFTkE2 🤔 Even got press http://buff.ly/1SFTkE7
- @BioMickWatson @iddux Awesome. Checked "Falling down stairs" (how my parents separately got head injuries) - correlates with cost of bananas
- Example of classic spurious correlation I'll use in #bioinformatics teaching. http://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations … Thx @iddux pic.twitter.com/g1EtJhB7Cd
- @markgerstein review of The Deeper Genome by @JohnParrington http://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(15)01475-0 …
- Look and you can see five planets from your backyard right now http://nyti.ms/20hmryO pic.twitter.com/pxrJTErKWB
- Big day for our solar system #PlanetNine. Excellent news story http://www.caltech.edu/news/caltech-researchers-find-evidence-real-ninth-planet-49523 … Paper http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/0004-6256/151/2/22 … pic.twitter.com/mMltfaP72W
- Great read! #genomics ...non-coding sequence variants in #cancer http://rdcu.be/fVbn @ekta_khurana @markgerstein pic.twitter.com/vKCQ0LdzYn
- Interesting review "Role of non-coding sequence variants in cancer http://go.nature.com/Ouytfp " @markgerstein lab. via @cwcyau @Piwdb
- Role of non-coding sequence variants in cancer by @ekta_khurana @markgerstein in @NatureRevGenet http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nrg.2015.17.html … ($)
- Our review on the role of noncoding variants in cancer is now online http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nrg.2015.17.html … w/ @MarkARubin1 @markgerstein
- .@markgerstein &co review the role of non-coding variants in #cancer @NatureRevGenet http://bit.ly/1Pdo92n #genomics
- Role of non-coding sequence variants in cancer by @ekta_khurana @MarkARubin1 @markgerstein et al. http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nrg.2015.17.html …
- Eigen score better than CADD http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ng.3477.html … too bad review/publication took 6 months, case for preprints pic.twitter.com/Fwvw9YFpwR
- #bioinformatics #Genomics LARVA: analysis of recurrent variants in noncoding annotations http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/43/17/8123.long … @markgerstein @ekta_khurana
- Welcome to "Data Science, Learning, and Applications to Biomedical & Health Sciences" w/ @Rutgers_Newark & @DSI_Columbia. Follow #BDHealth
- In Sunday's @NYTmag, how a lawyer discovered that a toxin tested in secret by DuPont has ended up in our blood: http://goo.gl/ZlOLc3
- Do the Nobel coffers need to be replenished? http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21684774-everything-stay-same-everything-may-need-change-throw-caution … via @KevinADavies
- Tiny Data, Approximate Bayesian Computation and the Socks of Karl Broman http://www.sumsar.net/blog/2014/10/tiny-data-and-the-socks-of-karl-broman/ … pic.twitter.com/RnwTHS6JnM
- It's Time to End the War on Salt http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/its-time-to-end-the-war-on-salt/ …
- How the bacteria in your gut may be shaping your waistline http://econ.trib.al/Ms3v7f9 pic.twitter.com/I4jhSLVdot
- I'm going to choose to think about this finding as one way to increase the diversity of my gut microbiome. : ) https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/679005719711129600 …
- Import photos from @Flickr , @Dropbox & @Google into @EyeEm in just a couple of clicks https://www.eyeem.com/blog/2015/12/new-import-and-sell-photos-from-flickr-dropbox-more/ … pic.twitter.com/49OpnXJXdj
- The notable children's books of 2015 http://nyti.ms/1IlKUy3 pic.twitter.com/b6TlOqEL24
- Wowser! Enjoyed a spectacular sunset this evening in NYC. pic.twitter.com/rmOrM8tRTs
- Thanks to @vsbuffalo for his help setting up a html version of my popgen notes http://cooplab.github.io/popgen-notes/ making use of gh-pages+pandoc